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How to Avoid Project Failure
Read Me First
Meet Your Instructor: Dr Mike Clayton (4:18)
Introductory Module (3:47)
The Ten Points of Project Failure
Project Definition (8:01)
Governance (11:13)
Planning (4:06)
Politics (2:41)
Stakeholder Engagement (4:22)
Resources (3:32)
Project Management (12:32)
Testing and Quality (8:48)
Implementation (4:57)
External Factors (5:32)
Introduction to Project Risk Management
What is Project Risk Management (3:12)
The Absolute Essentials that a Project Manager need to Know about Risk
Types of Project Risk (11:31)
Sources of Project Risk (4:46)
Project Turnaround: How to Rescue a Failing Project
Spot the Signs of Project Failure
Evaluate the Situation
Steady your Project
Rebuild Your Project
Maintain Your Project
Bonus Content
Bonus Article: How to Handle a Difficult Sponsor
Bonus Article: Robust Project Decision-making
Bonus Article: Rapid Decision-making in Projects
Bonus Article: Project Politics
Bonus Article: Managing Conflict on Projects
Bonus Video: What is Stakeholder Management? (5:33)
Bonus Podcast: Risk Management Explained
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