Read Me First

Please read this short guide, for the best course experience.

At the top of the page, you will see your course navigation and control bar...

1. The back arrow will take you the the overall course navigation, so you can find the lecture you want.

2. The gear wheel will allow you to access the course controls (more below).

3. The Previous Lecture bar allows you to... Well, I'm sure you get it.

4. The Complete and Continue bar allows you to register a lecture or section complete, and will move you onto the next item.

The Best Course Experience

To get the best course experience, I recommend you turn:

  • Autoplay to ON
  • Autocomplete to ON
  • Use the HTML5 player.

Some devices - particularly iPhones and iPads, don't play flash at all.

You can select these settings by clicking the gear wheel icon (2) on the course navigation and control bar.

Additional Course Materials

This course comes with a range of additional materials; not just the video lectures. In many modules, you will find downloadable content below the video screen. There are also modules at the end of each section containing a selection of tools and templates that you can download, adapt, and edit for your own use on your projects. In the First and last sections, you will also find extra material to help you learn, like Professional Development Planning tools, and a glossary of Project Management jargon.

Downloadable audio podcast versions of all of the video lectures

We have also created downloadable audio podcast versions (in the common .mp3 format) of all of the video lectures. You can either listen to these here, or download them and put them on your favourite portable device. However, we do ask that you do not share them. You can download them, a section at a time, from a module at the end of each section of the program.

Do You Have Any Questions?

Throughout the course, you may encounter ideas that are unfamiliar and you may want to clarify them. You may want to ask about how to implement the ideas in the real world. Or you may encounter challenges while using the ideas in your own projects.

Great! That's what I am here for.

With this course, you get all the help you need in the form of an online Q&A with me. Just use the comment box in every unit, like this...

I should get a notification of your question and will try to get back and answer you as soon as possible. But I am a real person and I don't outsource to fiverr. So if I am out of the office or on vacation, there may be a short delay.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Now click the Complete and Continue bar (4), to move to the next session.

I hope you enjoy your course.


PS: Still to Come...

None of our courses will ever be 'complete'. We fully expect to add material from time to time, to reflect feedback we receive from you and your fellow Project Managers. Take a look at the 'What did You Think of this Course?' module in the last section of this program. You can give us feedback there.

Complete and Continue  