Artificial Intelligence & Project Management
Professional Briefing
Artificial Intelligence is here.
What does it mean for Project Management and Project Managers?
I delivered a special live briefing on 1 November 2022, to answer the questions I was asking:
🤖 What is Artificial Intelligence?
🦾 What is the role of AI in Project Management?
⚠️ What are the issues surrounding AI?
🧩 What do Project Managers need to do to prepare ourselves?
⚖️ And ended with my assessment of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
This is a record of that briefing, along with a host of specially prepared resources.
- Full edited video webinar
- Decode the Jargon Glossary (4th Edition) of over 100 critical AI terms and an acronym dictionary
- Reading and Viewing Lists
- Checklists of questions to answer and things to do
- Bonus PMTQ briefing
- Early access to all my AI content (including expert interviews)
- Contribute to and benefit from community discussion and recommendations
And... I will add extra content, from time to time.
So, this product will help you stay ahead of the curve, and get:
- content ahead of publication on YouTube or my website
- additional exclusive content
- Check out the Change Log (publicly viewable in the course curriculum section, below)
Your Instructor
Mike Clayton has been a successful and innovative project manager.
He has led large project teams and managed large groups as a Senior Manager at international consulting firm, Deloitte.
And he has coached and trained many thousands of project managers.
Look at the Change Log preview in the course listing below, to see just how much new content we add, each month.
Course Curriculum
PreviewChange Log
StartArtificial Intelligence & Project Management [Webinar] (50:16)
StartAre We Safe? The Current State of AI [Webinar] (29:48)
StartInterview: Can AI Really Predict Project Outcomes? (42:13)
StartInterview: How will AI Impact the Project Management Profession? (47:09)
StartInterview: Decision-Making AI for Project Portfolios (41:12)
StartInterview: Can AI Write Your User Requirements? (43:29)
StartInterview: Transforming Buisness with AI: The Biggest PM Opportunity in 20 Years? - with Matt Simons (40:51)
StartInterview: What Can AI Do for Project Managers? (32:50)
StartBONUS: Software Demo - Keto AI-powered Software, by The InfluentialPMO (17:33)
StartWhat is Artificial Intelligence? (5:52)
StartHow can AI Transform Project Management (8:11)
StartHow to Use Machine Learning in Project Estimating, Scheduling, and Planning (7:05)
StartHow to Use Bing, Bard, and ChatGPT for Project Management (9:35)
StartHow to Write Good AI Prompts: Prompt Engineering (13:36)
StartWhat are Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Automation (12:10)
StartWhat is Predictive Analytics? (7:23)
StartHow to Pivot Your Career Towards AI (10:26)
StartBONUS: PMTQ - Project Management Technology Quotient (7:37)
StartBONUS: Blockchain - What is it?
StartBONUS: What are Role-Activity Diagrams? (RADs) - aka Swimlane Process Diagrams
StartArtificial Intelligence in Project Management: AI and PM Primer (19:17)
StartHow AI Knowledge will Help Your Project Management Career
StartGlossary: Decode the Jargon of Artificial Intelligence
StartAI Tools Round-up
StartAI & PM Information Hubs
StartList of Generative AI Tools
StartChecklist of Questions to Ask
StartChecklists of Actions to Take
StartThe Things You'll Need, to Thrive Alongside AI
StartDive Deep: AI Certification Courses
StartAI in Action: An Interactive Learning Journey
Over 100 definitions of Artificial Intelligence jargon, explained simply, for quick understanding.
Now in its fourth edition. Check the Change Log for updates.