How to Take this Course

The Project Manager's Fast Start Program is waiting for you...

How you work through it will depend on your needs.

Do you want a Structured Program of Learning about Project Management?

If you want to follow a structured program to learn about project management,then your best approach is to follow the material in the order in which I have presented it. I recommend you review the material in 20-30 minute chunks, taking your own notes, as you go. But you will know what pace will suit you best. There is course study planning guide for you to download, below.

To help you make your own notes, you will find downloadable resources with many of the modules. These have diagrams and definitions, to supplement your own notes. There are about 2 1/2 hours of video material, so I suggest, you aim to review it all, over two to four weeks, depending on how frequently you are able to set aside time.

Do you want to Prepare for Your Next Project?

If you have a new project coming up, I recommend you set aside around an hour to study the first content section: Getting Started: Introducing Project Management and Defining your Project

I also recommend you split your study into three or four chunks, reviewing the material in the sequence in which I have presented it.

Do you need to Catch up on some Specifics?

If you want to either refresh you memory on some aspect of project management, or fill a gap in your previous learning or experience, then it makes sense to hop around the material as you need it. What I would advise, however, is that some content follows directly from earlier material in terms of the explanation or terminology I use. Be alert to the possibility that you may want to also review specific material from earlier in the program, to get the clearest understanding.

Do you need Answers on a Particular Project Management Issue?

If you need a particular answer, then, as in the scenario above, it can make sense to pick out the material as you need it. What I would advise, however, is that some content follows directly from earlier material in terms of the explanation or terminology I use. Be alert to the possibility that you may want to also review specific material from earlier in the program, to get the clearest understanding. If the material doesn't answer your question,please do use the Q&A facility to ask me for help.

PMFSP Course Study Planner.pdf
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