A Checklist of the Checklists

Sounds Pretty Abstract I know, but This is Really just a Contents Page

So it shows you what you've got. If there is anything missing, go to the Suggest a New Checklist module in this section.

Now more than 60 Checklists.

1. Basic Project Checklists

1.1 Is it a Project?

1.2 Project Management Processes

1.3 Core Project Documents

1.4 What to do if you're taking on a started Project

1.5 Brilliant Project

1.6 The Role of the Project Manager

2. Project Definition Checklists

2.1 Project Kick-off

2.2 Project Definition

2.3 Project Requirements Gathering

2.4 Project Success Criteria

2.5 (Triple SR) Objectives

3. Business Case Checklists

3.1 Business Case Content

3.2 Benefits and Costs

3.3 Financial Assumptions

3.4 Business Case Development

3.5 Project Value worksheet

3.6 DCF Worksheet

4. Stakeholder Engagement Checklists

4.1 Stakeholders

4.2 Influencing and Persuasion Tactics

4.3 Communication Plan

4.4 Communication tools

4.5 Stakeholder Analysis

5. Project Governance Checklists

5.1 Role Descriptions

5.2 Board Roles

5.3 Stage Gate Evaluation Checklist

6. Project Planning Checklists

6.1 Project Planning

6.2 Planning Kick-off Meeting

6.3 Project Controls

6.4 Project Resources

6.5 Good WBS

6.6 12 Project Planning Mistakes…

6.7 Project Procurement Management

6.8 6.8 Tender Process

7. Risk Management Checklists

7.1 Risk Management & Documents

7.2 Risk Kick-off Meeting

7.3 Sources of Risk

7.4 Risk Potential Review

7.5 Sources of Project Failure

7.6 Risk Management Tactics

7.7 Scenario Plan

7.8 Post Project Risk Review

7.9 Risk Culture

7.10 Risk Categories

8. Project Delivery Checklists

8.1 What to do During the Project Delivery Stage

8.2 Issue Management

8.3 Contractor Management

8.4 Change Control Process

8.5 Create a Buzz

8.6 Status Reporting

8.7 Accelerate your Project

8.8 Boost your Project Team Performance

8.9 Reporting Process

9. Project Team Management Checklists

9.1 Characteristics of a High Performing Team

9.2 Leadership Behaviours

9.3 Team Building

9.4 Team-member on-boarding

9.5 Giving Feedback

9.6 Team-member leaving your project

9.7 Spotting the signs of stress

10. Project Closure Checklists

10.1 Project Closure

10.2 Post Project Review

10.3 Lessons Learned review

10.4 Celebrate Project Success

10.5 Promote Learning Culture

10.6 Project Handover Checklist

10.7 Retrospective and Lessons Learned Formats

11. Miscellaneous Checklists

11.1 Naming Your Project

11.2 Resolve Conflict

11.3 Estimating Errors

11.4 Books by Mike Clayton

11.5 Project Management Interview Questions

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