How Your Coaching Program will Work
The approach we will take together is summarized in the diagram below...
Step 1: Plan out your personalized professional coaching program
We'll work together to set appropriate learning and performance goals for our time together. This will start wth a fact-finding questionnaire and a 'getting to know you' call.
This will prepare us for the first full coaching session, in which I'll help you set your powerful professional performance and development goals. We'll also agree the style of coaching that will suit you best. And we'll set a schedule to ensure your thinking time and development get the priority they deserve, among the pressures of your work.
Step 2: Regular monthly coaching calls and emails
Our regular monthly coaching calls will be scheduled for 55 minutes, and take place on Skype. A week before the call, we' exchange emails to decide on the topics, and cover off any report-back that I need to know, but we don't need to spend time on.
After each call, I'll send you a follow-up email, and between calls, you'll also get a learning prompt, or performance reminder email.
Supporting Resources: Access to our premium project management video training
As a free part of your professional coaching program, you'll get full access to our premium project management video training program, The Project manager's Immersion Program. It has over 14 hours of content.
This program is not about working through 14 hours of video though. It will be there if you want it, as your reference.
We may draw on its content from time-to-time, to help you with specific topics you want to learn about.